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Expense reports in SimplBooks (0)

Expense reports on reporting persons now can be entered into the SimplBooks accounting software. Notably, in April, the functionality of expense reports will be significantly improved in the form of various statements and reports, as well as small convenience functions. There are certain plans to complement CostPocket and FinBite interfaces in this regard, which will also support expense reporting in the future.


What? Why? Who?

Expense reports are used when, e.g., a business owner, board member or employee makes purchases on behalf of and for the benefit of the business paying with their own money. Be it a personal bank card or cash of a member of the management board. In this case, it is more convenient to enter such checks as an expense report and then reimburse the expenses incurred from the corporate account (or cash register). Let us mention here that the reporting person can be any employee of the company.

Until now, SimplBooks has been able to use purchase invoices as a substitute for expense reports, but if such personal expenditures tend to grow in number, for example, to dozens in a calendar month, it is much more convenient and clearer to use expense reports.

Is that all?

No! As mentioned before, in April the expense reports will be supplemented by a number of additional functions that will help to better orientate in the expenditures made. In other words, several statements and reports are added based on the expense reports.

Need more information?

You can read more about whether, when and how to use expense reports in our user manuals HERE. And if you still have questions, feel free to contact our support team either by email or by phone.


We wish you a warm and sunny spring!
SimplBooks team


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