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Holidays and shortened workdays in Estonia 2022-2023 (0)

Among friends and colleagues the conversation topics often includes the discussion of days-off and shortened workdays. Hereby the public holidays of the years 2022-2023 (days-off) and shortened workdays are presented. Share information with colleagues and friends.

Public holidays in 2022 (days off)

1st January – New Year’s Day (Saturday)
24th February – Independence Day, Anniversary of the Republic of Estonia (Thursday)
15th April – Good Friday (Friday)
17th April – Easter Sunday (Sunday)
1st May – Labour Day (Sunday)
5th June – Whit Sunday (Sunday)
23rd June – Victory Day (Thursday)
24th June – Midsummer Day (Friday)
20th August – Day of Restoration of Independence (Saturday)
24th December – Christmas Eve (Saturday)
25th December – Christmas Day (Sunday)
26th December – Boxing Day (Monday)

5 are on workdays, 7 at weekends, total 12.

Shortened workdays in 2022

23rd February (Wednesday)
22nd June (Wednesday)
23rd December (Friday)
31st December (Saturday)

According to § 53 of the Employment Contracts Act, the workday is 3 hours shorter on that day.



Public holidays in 2023 (days off)

1st January – New Year’s Day (Sunday)
24th February – Independence Day, Anniversary of the Republic of Estonia (Friday)
7th April – Good Friday (Friday)
9th April – Easter Sunday (Sunday)
1st May – Labour Day (Monday)
28th May – Whit Sunday (Sunday)
23rd June – Victory Day (Friday)
24th June – Midsummer Day (Saturday)
20th August – Day of Restoration of Independence (Sunday)
24th December – Christmas Eve (Sunday)
25th December – Christmas Day (Monday)
26th December – Boxing Day (Tuesday)

6 days are on workdays and 6 at weekends.


Shortened workdays in 2023

23rd February (Thursday)
22nd June (Thursday)
23rd December (Saturday)
31st December (Sunday)

According to § 53 of the Employment Contracts Act, the workday is 3 hours shorter on that day.


Holiday compensation

§ 45. Compensation for night work and work done on public holiday

(1) If the working time falls on night-time (from 22:00 to 6:00), the employer shall pay 1.25 times the wages for the work, unless it has been agreed that the wages include remuneration for working at night-time.

(2) If the working time falls on a public holiday, the employer shall pay 2 times the wages for the work.

(3) An employer and employee may agree on compensation for work done at night-time or on a public holiday by granting additional time off, differently from the provisions of subsections (1) and (2) of this section.


Source: Riigi Teataja

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