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Interfaces make accounting softwares more automatic (0)

2020 has been a real year of interfaces for SimplBooks: we came up with seven interfaces during the year, three of which are connected with banks, three with e-shop platforms and one with an e-invoicing operator. In addition, we already have had interfaces with several e-invoicing operators before.

Interfaces with different parties are necessary for any accounting software to make the flow of data more automatic. Manual activities are permanently a thing of the past, and as time goes on, we find more and more activities already automated. Interfaces also help save time for business or accountant’s time.

Interfaces with banks

Banking interfaces with the accounting program allow banks to import banking transactions into the software. We currently have interfaces with Swedbank, SEB and LHV, where from it is possible to „pull” transactions to SimplBooks. The previous day transactions are automatically imported into SimplBooks every night and appear in the banking transaction import view. For bank interfaces, it should also be noted that banks may charge additional fee for the use of the interface.

Instructions for activating bank interfaces with SimplBooks can be found here: Swedbank Gateway interface, SEB Baltic Gateway interface and LHV Connect interface.



Interfaces with e-invoicing operators

Interfaces with e-invoicing operators simplify sending e-invoices. SimplBooks has interfaces with Telema, Envoice, Omniva and Costpocket. Telema EDI interface allows SimplBooks users to mediate electronic documents in a machine-to-machine readable form, i.e. similarly to e-invoices, but the range of different documents mediated by Telema is much wider, including sales orders, delivery notes and confirmation sheets.

The interface with Envoice implies that if your company or customers have a lot of invoices and purchase receipts which arrive in your mailbox in either PDF or image form, Envoice allows you to automatically convert those invoices and purchase receipts to e-invoices. From there, it is possible to use, for example, debiting templates, i.e. appropriate expense accounts are assigned to the invoice lines, which are also inserted into e-invoices if appropriate, and at the end of the whole process it is possible to import all such information into SimplBooks in one click.

The Omniva e-Invoice Centre interface enables transfer of e-invoices from SimplBooks to the Omniva e-Invoice Centre. Where both sales and purchase invoices are concerned, for sending the invoices, you will have additional options allowing you to send invoices namely via the e-Invoice Centre.

The Costpocket interface gives opportunity to easily send expense documents to SimplBooks via the Costpocket app. The Costpocket text-recognition app is especially convenient given the ability to transfer your checks from paper to electronic form and directly to SimplBooks in seconds. All data can also be changed later in SimplBooks if required.


Interfaces with e-Store platforms

The interface between the e-store platform and the accounting software makes the life of the e-store operator easier because the e-store operator does not have to manually enter the same data several times, and there are fewer incorrect data. However, it is necessary to export or import data.

SimplBooks has interfaces with WooCommerce (WordPress), PrestaShop and Shopify, which are currently semi-automated interfaces. It means that e-store orders can be imported directly into SimplBooks as sales invoices, but e-store orders are not automatically generated by SimplBooks – i.e. the user must still click the ‘import’ button. However, user subscriptions can be uploaded to SimplBooks at any time. If the interface has been successfully activated, it can be seen in the sales invoice list under ‘import’ as an additional option for importing orders from the e-store.




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