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NEW! Travel reports and logbook in SimplBooks (0)

Use a new possibility to enter business travel reports and logbooks as separate documents in SimplBooks!

Together with the expense reports added in the spring, these three documents cover the need for cost documents of most of the company’s reporting agents and employees. You can enter business trips, various work-related travel expenses, and both daily and trip-related expense reports. Read more about expense reports in this blog post: Expense reports in SimplBooks.

Travel reports

Travel report expenses are prepared by an employee of the company or the reporting person if he or she is on a business trip. A business trip is considered to be work performed outside the work area defined in the employment contract, which is usually with the accuracy of a city or rural municipality. The mission statement reflects daily subsistence allowances related to the mission and, like the statement of expenses, other trip-related documents. According to the laws currently in force in Estonia, daily allowances for business trips have tax-free limits and, in the case of business trips, minimums too. At the same time, for example, in the case of a business trip within Estonia, there is no tax-free daily allowance, but any daily allowance payment must be treated as a special benefit.



The company has the right to pay a member of the management board or an employee compensation for the use of a personal car for travel necessary for work, i.e. car compensation. At the time of writing this blog post, the tax-free benefit rate in Estonia is 335 EUR in one calendar month. The basis for compensation is the same logbook.


How to find and fill them out?

In SimplBooks, you may find these reports by selecting ‘Expense and Travel Reports’ from the ‘Operations’ category in the main menu. Clicking the ‘New report’ button in the opening list will open a pop-up window where you can choose the type of expense document you want to add. Here you have the option of ‘Expense Report’, ‘Travel Report’ and ‘Logbook’.

Detailed instructions can be found in our user manuals:

• Manual on travel reports
• Logbook manual

And as usual – if you have trouble entering any documents, feel free to contact our very friendly support either by email or phone.


Wishing you a successful financial year
SimplBooks team

ATTENTION! The topics and articles in SimplBooks blog may not be legally accurate and we recommend to consult with a professional. The authors of SimplBooks do their best, but do not take any responsibility for mistakes in the articles. Laws that change over time must also be taken into account.

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