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Replacement of Servers in August (0)

Earlier this month, in addition to the usual software updates, other exciting events took place. Namely, we replaced the hardware of SimplBooks servers to support more users and provide even faster and more user-friendly technical solutions.

We would like to thank all the customers who have trusted us so far and also recommended us to others. SimplBooks currently has over 10,000 users, and the number is growing every day, including weekends and holidays. We still try to positively surprise our users with new, exciting automating solutions. For example, we have already added several banking interfaces this year.

Due to all this automation and the 100% increase in the share of electronic and machine-readable accounting as well as the constant increase in the number of our users, this year we reached a situation where it was necessary to replace the existing servers with larger and more powerful ones. It required some preliminary work by both us and our server manager Zone.

The transition itself was originally planned for August 4, but was finally postponed by one day, to August 5, precisely due to technical preparations. It was important for us that the final transfer took place as smoothly as possible and without any major surprises. The move itself eventually took about exactly 4 hours. During this time, the SimplBooks service was unfortunately not available to users, but all users were informed in advance of the time of the move.

However, we experienced some pratfalls. When the data was relocated, there was an error in the environment when changing the language. Engineers, both ours and those of the Zone, worked on that problem and some minor issues for several more hours until late at night. We reached the final solution the next morning at the beginning of the working day. I would like to thank both the Zone and SimplBooks engineers for their contribution to solving the problem quickly.

The next server relocations will definitely take place in a different way, and we will try to completely avoid general service interruptions in the future. We wish all our users a successful start to the business season and a pleasant experience with SimplBooks software.

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