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SimplBooks 2022 Summary (0)

Hey-hey! I recently discovered that last year our blog was a bit neglected and it often didn’t occur to us to let you know what we were up to. Last year was again a different year for us than any other, and at times quite challenging, but today I can say that all in all it was a successful year and SimplBooks continues to show a strong growth trend.

So why were there less updates last year? In terms of workload, it was not really any less. Rather more, but last year we invested a lot of time in the future, much of which will be seen this year. We are updating the user interface, or the whole look and feel, of SimplBooks. In this context, we are also relaunching our brand and website, which has served us well for over 7 years. In addition, a lot of time was invested in the technical update of the back end of the application. The latter may not be obvious to the end user, but it is necessary to maintain software sustainability and provide a secure service in today’s ever-changing IT world.

Why are we updating the user interface? We’ve already made one of these big changes in the past. For us, however, updating the user interface is not just about modernising the look and feel or making it prettier/cleaner, but about preparing for the next major developments to make the software easier and better. The old (current) design is in many ways reaching its maximum potential and does not allow for a reasonable realization of all the bright ideas to make the SimplBooks user experience even better.

And that’s it? Not quite. We couldn’t really resist improving functionality. Already in the first half of 2022, SimplBooks added a machine-to-machine interface with the Estonian Tax and Customs Board, and by the end of autumn we were able to redesign the interfaces of CostPocket, Finbite, Envoice and Telema, which are now fully automated. You no longer need to press a button to import documents, and you can enable fully automatic processing if you wish.

This year, 2023, dear SimplBooks user or future user, we have a lot of new and exciting things to offer you, only in the best sense. More automation and simpler software!

ATTENTION! The topics and articles in SimplBooks blog may not be legally accurate and we recommend to consult with a professional. The authors of SimplBooks do their best, but do not take any responsibility for mistakes in the articles. Laws that change over time must also be taken into account.

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