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Spring updates in SimplBooks (0)

In addition to the major developments that have taken place at the beginning of the year, such as Telema interface, LHV interface, SEB interface and the e-shop interfaces, we have made a number of slightly smaller updates that have not been highlighted yet.

NGOs with initial settings

In fact, already at the beginning of the year, we added the possibility to create a new SimplBooks account for non-profit organizations (NGOs) with suitable initial settings. Essentially, it means that we slightly changed the chart of accounts and adjusted the balance sheet and income statement to suit NGOs. To pot it plainly, these changes do not affect the initial settings for companies (Ltd, joint stock, natural person, etc.), i.e. SimplBooks account can now be created with different initial settings according to the business form.

Mass activities

In fact, as early as at the beginning of the year, opportunities for mass activities were added to most lists (e.g. sales invoices, purchase invoices, receipts, etc.). Now it is possible to select (tick) currently interesting lines from the list and either export or delete them. We are definitely planning to expand the opportunities for mass activities in the near future.

More convenient linking of receipts and payments

We made a significant change to mark invoices paid. If previously you had to know whether you need to enter a new receipt / payment to mark invoice paid, or whether you could cover an invoice with the existing receipt / payment in the system, now the system automatically checks and offers the receipts / payments in the system as a priority. Of course, the user can still enter a new receipt / payment when marking the invoice as paid.

Selection of customer / supplier on documents

Visually, one of the biggest changes was in the spring, when we made the customer / supplier selection fields more compact and moved several customer-related fields (such as address fields) to a separate pop-up window. The purpose of this change was to leave only important information visible on invoice forms. For example, we moved this option to better highlight the ability to add a shipping address and contact reference (optional). In addition, we moved some of less commonly used and auto-filled fields to the end of the invoice form. We plan to further change the forms for entering invoices – the aim is to reach the simplest possible but functional solution so that even users who want more options can still get everything they need with just a few mouse clicks.

Possibility of mass export of purchase invoices

For some time now, SimplBooks has had the ability to mass-export the sales invoices in both e-invoice format and PDF format, for example for archiving. We have now added a similar option to the purchase invoices. Purchase invoices can also be exported in XML format (Estonian e-invoice format) as well as bulk purchase invoice attachments. When exporting attachments, only those attachments that were added to the system are exported. If no attachment is attached to the purchase invoice, then such purchase invoice is simply skipped when exporting.

EAN code on the article card

Regarding Telema interface, we recently added a separate EAN code to the article card. The article can therefore have a separate code and a separate EAN code. The current article code field is still mandatory and the EAN is optional, but both fields must be unique across all articles. If desired, the EAN code may also be displayed on the invoice PDF – if configured at the bottom of the invoice.



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