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Stocktaking now available in SimplBooks (0)

As part of the warehouse accounting, we’ve added an easy and convenient way to do stocktaking.

Stocktaking SimplBooks

How stocktaking works and what it includes?

In short, the stocktaking functionality includes creating a counting sheet (PDF), entering an inventory document for a given date on the selected warehouse and articles, stock adjustments documents and related automatic accounting entries.


As a first step, you can print out the counting sheet on the selected warehouse. Once you’ve counted the stock and completed the counting sheet, you can enter the actual numbers on it into the SimplBooks system. For this, the warehouse module menu has a new option, “Stocktaking”. While doing stocktaking, you have to select the counting date (cut-off date), and the warehouse on which you want to enter the stocktaking and enter the actual quantities of the counted articles.

After saving stocktaking, the system will compile, according to the differences found between SimplBooks and actuality, the stock adjustment documents, either on the registration of goods, write-offs or both. Besides, the system shall draw up financial records relating to the adjustment documents.

Stocktaking in accounting software

The result is the Simplbooks inventory documents and financial entries that correct the stock residues, which will also adjust the accounting data to conform to the modified storage residue.

What happens after doing stocktaking?

After doing stocktaking, there will be some constraints in the system. In particular, you can no longer change the quantities of articles entered in the stocktaking document on the warehouse selected for the stocktaking. However, you can change the cost price of these articles. Moreover, if you want to change some of the sales invoices that will remain active before the stocktaking, it can only be done in respect of articles that you didn’t mention in the subsequent stocktaking documents.

You can also read about: SimplBooks has integrations with online stores (WooCommerce, PrestaShop, Shopify).

ATTENTION! The topics and articles in SimplBooks blog may not be legally accurate and we recommend to consult with a professional. The authors of SimplBooks do their best, but do not take any responsibility for mistakes in the articles. Laws that change over time must also be taken into account.

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