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Swedbank Gateway interface (0)

Greetings to all SimplBooks users who have been waiting for Swedbank interface. Today is the day! Swedbank Gateway interface added. The good news is that this interface will not cost you any extra fee.

What exactly was added?

The Swedbank Gateway interface provides the option of automatically importing a bank statement into SimplBooks. The transactions for previous day are automatically imported into SimplBooks every night and appear in the banking transaction import view. The bank transactions import view is now more conveniently accessed via the company dashboard page, which provides an overview of the number of pending (unsaved) bank transactions and a brief preview. Besides, payment orders can be sent to the bank via Swedbank interface, which must then be confirmed in the Internet bank.

How can it be used?

More detailed instructions on activating and using the new interface can be found in the environment of our User Manuals HERE. Briefly, the Swedbank Gateway interface is activated completely automatically. After activating the interface in SimplBooks, the interface agreement can be quickly signed in the Swedbank Internet bank, and the information will reach SimplBooks in less than an hour.

Is that all?

Not quite. In the meantime, we have included under the settings the possibility to process duplicate transactions completely automatically. By default, this feature is turned off, but once enabled, „OK“ receipts and payments are fully automatically saved to SimplBooks and linked to eligible invoices, and „duplicate“” transactions are accordingly deleted from the transaction list.

With the Swedbank interface, we have accomplished a scheme of direct interfaces. We encourage all our users (including future ones) to use banking interfaces, as this is an excellent opportunity to save time. All in order to spend less time on accounting and more time for your core business!

ATTENTION! The topics and articles in SimplBooks blog may not be legally accurate and we recommend to consult with a professional. The authors of SimplBooks do their best, but do not take any responsibility for mistakes in the articles. Laws that change over time must also be taken into account.

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