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The best time for changing accounting software in Estonia (0)

Tarkvara vahetamise aeg

It is a good idea to change the accounting software at the turn of the year. The exchange of the software may be uncomfortable and time-consuming; especially if it is performed in the middle of the year. The reason is primarily the complexity of transferring the data.

Why at the turn of the year or as of January 1?

For most enterprises in Estonia the new financial years begins on January 1. The previous business year is concluded, an annual report is prepared, the earlier periods are locked and the accounting of the new business year is started. It is best to conclude the previous business year in the old accounting software, check the reports and data and close the old period. The new year can be started in a new software.


Thanks to that the amount of data transferred from one software into another is considerably limited. For example, if we talk about a small service-providing enterprise only the position of the initial balance, clients and the pending invoices (if there are any) have to be transferred into the new software. In case of employees also the remuneration of labour in December has to be included. In addition some settings in the software (users, bank accounts, enterprise’s data, etc.) have to be reviewed and you can start using it. We also recommend making as many copies of the data in the old software and export them to a safe place because you never know when you might need them.

Does the future belong to freely transferred data?

When talking about the exchange of the software and its simplicity, our vision comprises freely transferred data. What does it mean?

The aim of SimplBooks is to work and develop the option that data can be transferred freely among different softwares and clients can decide themselves in which software they would like to transfer their data into and which accounting software to use. Here is an example from the market of mobile phone operators: some of you might remember that when you wanted to exchange the phone service provider, you had to give up your old phone number and start with a new number by the new operator because the number was fixed by the operator. Today the situation is similar at the market of the accounting software, where several software providers are afraid to lose their clients and try to retain their data imprisoned (i.e. hinder the data export options). We continue our work to make things simpler and restriction-free :)

If you want to have a look into the software of SimplBooks, try our demo version and if you want to try it out with real data, you can register your account here and use it for 30 days free of charge!


ATTENTION! The topics and articles in SimplBooks blog may not be legally accurate and we recommend to consult with a professional. The authors of SimplBooks do their best, but do not take any responsibility for mistakes in the articles. Laws that change over time must also be taken into account.

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